Wolfeboro, NH

Wolfeboro’s zoning code includes a Manufactured Housing Overlay District specifically intended for compliance with the State’s mandate that communities allow reasonable opportunities for manufactured housing (RSA 674:31-32). Initially adopted in 1988, the law has been amended as the needs and desires of the communities have changed. Currently, the overlay district allows manufactured housing in subdivisions, in which both the structures and individual lots are owned by homeowners. Manufactured housing subdivisions are allowed in most of the southwestern portion of the town. Density, dimensional, site design, permitting, and other zoning requirements are the same for manufactured housing subdivisions as they are for site-built single-family housing. The overlay district previously allowed “manufactured housing parks,” which were specified as any tract of land of a given size that allowed parking spaces for manufactured homes, without a requirement that the homeowner owned their individual lot. That provision has been repealed, however, leaving only the provision for manufactured housing subdivisions.