Hanover, NH

In 2022, Hanvoer town meeting approved a new base zoning district along one street in Downtown Hanover near Dartmouth College. The stated goal of the zoning amendment is "to increase the number of residential units," according to the zoning text itself. The existing neighborhood fabric has a mix of housing types, including missing middle housing types. Under the new rules, single-family, twofamily, and multifamily hosuing is allowed by-right. Importantly, the district's dimensional rules and dimensional rules were also relaxed to enable more infill small multifamily. Main Wheelock's new zoning was accompanied by design guidelines that specify architectural treatment of new housing. The zoning change was at least ten years in the making, with one failed proposal in 2015. In the 2022 effort, Dartmouth students were significantly involved in advancing the proposal and in the Town Meeting vote itself. At least area landowner had plans to add new housing to the area upon the amendment's passage.